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Our Story

Paul and Charles growing up in the urban suburb as orphans had no other way out  to make it in life  apart from exploring their talents through joining the music and entertainment industry. Amidst their struggles they met a kid by names Charles Tongweni in kileka acholi village a Kampala suburb.


Tongweni was in a sewage trench, very hungry, malnourished and without clothes. Paul and Charles were deeply touched when they saw the kid who was in extreme conditions that sincerely needed divine intervention.  Asking about him, they were taken to his guardian, bringing to their awareness Tongweni was a 3years old orphan having lost both his parents to HIV leaving him homeless. God willing he was picked up by one JANET who happened to be struggling single parent within the neighborhood.


Having grown amidst a similar agony Paul cried and took it upon him to take care of the Kid. Charles talking about their financial extreme constraint said there was no way on this world they would take care of the kid yet they were also struggling with the vices of poverty. Reasoning  back Paul came up with an African proverb “ENJOVU TELEMELERWA MASANGA GAYO” literally meaning an elephant [NJOVU] can never fail to carry its own trunks [masanga] so positively no matter what, they  took it upon them to see him salivate through this situation with all the help they could find.


On a voluntary point of view CHARLES told Paul about a one KAWUKI PETER AND MUGAGGA DEO who had proven charitable hearts. On meeting Peter and Deo, they looked at the idea in a broader aspect of solving the general problem of countless homeless orphans, Youth and struggling single mothers all by the burden of HIV AND AIDS hence coming up with the ideology of a kid’s charitable organization.


From the proverb “ENJOVU TELEMELERWA MASANGA GAYO” we anonymously agreed to take on the name NJOVU KIDS FOUNDATION.


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