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Or mail materials donations to NJOVU KIDS FOUNDATION 
P.O.Box 27522

A Community of Big Brother and Sisters taking care of Orphaned and Impoverished Children

Sesanga Paul & Lwanga Charles over the last 10 years have set-up and developed our initiative; NJOVU KIDS FOUNDATION,  a non-profit taking care of over 10 kids orphaned  by wars in north Uganda.  We also help children living in the slum areas with school fees and supplies, and pay for medical care for certain severe cases with children. However we would like to do much more! The need is great and every day we must do our best.

Uganda has been in civil war for 27 years, which complicates the situation further, making accessing food very difficult. The Njovu team have leased 2 acres for a garden to raise crops, and are currently attempting to find bulk seeds so that they may have ample food for their kids, who have been struggling with hunger, as well as growing sufficient crops to have enough to market also. They have been hit hard by multiple natural disasters from huge hail storms wiping out crops at harvest, destroying everything, huge landslides, floods, etc. So far in the recent past, unfortunately gaining several children who lost their entire families. Most of the children here have witnessed the death of their entire families & many friends.

There are needs for funding education supplies & registration, medical needs, bedding, clothing, general supplies, and caretakers, etc. The foundation has amazing enrichment programs for self-worth (their wrestling team has taken medals since they opened 3 years ago) for emotional, self-worth, ability training, and providing hope that they can still become winners at life. The children have crafts & trades of interest taught so they have a trade or goods to earn a living with. The items the make are of superb quality & beautiful, something every child takes great pride in. This is a total care facility, who is now in desperate need of immediate assistance, due to natural disasters. Sadly our team does not have sufficient funds to support these children.

Due to this, we are taking action in a way that will hopefully locate funding &/or supplies to assist them. Several small enterprises have been rolling their profits into the foundation. So far we have a musical artists recording business & a Njovu safaris, a tourism company operating in Uganda ,Tanzania and Rwanda which help to fund the foundation. We are seeking to develop a tv/communication agenda for their surrounding towns, as they are isolated from one another..

Please support us in becoming sustainable through purchasing our handmade items from community volunteers and children in apprenticeship. 

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